A successful meeting

The 2022 PATA Days in France are over... and we would like to thank all the attendees, the conveners, the field trip leaders, and the venue personnel.

For us, the organization team, it has been a great moment of scientific and human exchanges and we hope you share this feeling.

See you in Chile in 2024


Full resolution picture: group.jpg


Downloadable material

Complete program of the conference: KAKEMONO_Programme_V2.pdf

Scientific program of the sessions: PATA2022_program_4.pdf


Short abstracts book: book_patadays_2022_en_1.pdf

Extended abstracts book: https://zenodo.org/record/7736477#.ZCXHr3ZBw2w


Field trip guide, Lambesc: https://zenodo.org/record/7111541#.YzB4VXZBw2w 

Field trip guide, Le Teil: field guide Le Teil

Post-conference field trip guide (Alps): Pata_2022_field_trip_guide_Alps_1.pdf


Important logistic information

The transfer between the city center of Aix-en-Provence and the PATA site will be done by bus (bus with 55 seats). Three departures will take place: at 1pm, 3:30pm and 6pm.
You can reserve your seat in the bus now by registering on this link : https://evento.renater.fr/survey/bus-25th-september-from-aix-en-provence-center-to-the-conference-place-mallemort-i337we5u

The pick-up point is "Avenue Henri Mouret" near this GPS point: 43°31'22.9"N 5°26'11.8"E

On Friday 30 September we will return by bus from the field late in the afternoon (after 5.30 pm). For this reason we advise you to take a hotel for Friday evening in Aix-en-Provence and we will provide you with a list if you wish. We recommend to take your return ticket not before Saturday, October 1st.



The forecast is not what we were hoping...: https://meteofrance.com/previsions-meteo-france/aix-en-provence/13100 


Welcome to PATA Days 2022

Dear colleagues,

After this too long period without being able to meet in person, we are very happy to announce that the organization of the PATA Days in France has progressed: the conference will occur during the last week of September 2022, i.e. from 25th (Sunday) to 30th (Friday).

The venue will be in Southeastern France, we have identified  a beautiful site, at Pont Royal en Provence, close to Aix-En-Provence. The site was selected where the attendance will be grouped, to foster exchanges, following the “philosophy” of the previous PATA Days conferences. Prices are all-included : registration fees, room (single or shared), meals, a gala dinner,  2 field-trips,  with transit by bus. The maximum capacity is 120 attendees.

A link to the venue: https://village-pierre-vacances-pont-royal-en-provence-mallemort.hotelmix.fr/ 



Also a great post-conference field trip in the Alps is organized after the meeting but registration is for only 25 persons. The field trip will happen in rugged and high elevation terrain.

Magali Rizza, Stéphane Baize and the organization committee



Entering in France

Obviously, this is always depending on the sanitary situation.

General conditions to enter France are available here: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/

Updated conditions to enter France during the pandemic are accessible here: https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coming-to-france-your-covid-19-questions-answered/



Abstract submission deadline: 30 April 2022. This first abstract will not exceed 300 words. To submit your contribution, please first create an account on this website and follow the steps.

Deadline is postponed to May 7th!


Extended abstract submission deadline: The deadline has changed to 1 September 2022 (instead of 1 July 2022). The extended abstract length will not exceed 4 pages. A template will be provided.


Policy: first come, first served... and there are only 120 seats for the conference, 25 for the post-conference field trip

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