Poster and Oral info

Here are some information to prepare your presentation for the coming conference.


For orals :

The duration of your talk will be 12 minutes, followed by 3 minutes of questions. Prepare your talk in advance as you will have to share it the day before your session with the conference team. Your file should be named MYNAME.pptx or MYNAME.pdf


For posters: prepare your poster in a A0 portrait format (height: 1189 mm, width: 841 mm). There will be no possibilities to print your poster on site, so come with it!

In addition, before each poster session, a Flash talk time slot will be dedicated for you to present and advertise your poster during 1 minute ! Prepare your slide by using this draft : Draft_slide_flashtalk_patadays


And you will upload your slide in one of these shared folders (one per session) :

Upload it before September 23rd, in a power point format, named : MYNAME_flashtalk_patadays.pptx

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