Sessions and Field trips

Field trips

group 1 : “1909 Lambesc Earthquake”

Field leaders: Magali Rizza, Laurent Bollinger, Yann Klinger, Georgia Poursoulis, Olivier Bellier, Lionel Siame

This one day field trip will include a visit of the urban area damaged by the 1909 M6 earthquake, a tour around the Trévaresse fault source (tectonic geomorphology) and will focus on trench(es) excavated to document the past surface-rupturing events.

group 2: “Le Teil Earthquake”

Field leaders: Jean-François Ritz, Stéphane Baize, Laurence Audin, Matthieu Ferry, Christophe Larroque

This one-day field trip will be dedicated to the environment of the 2019 M4.9 surface rupturing earthquake in Southern France (Le Teil, Ardèche). We will visit the fault that caused that rupture, and have a look at excavations where paleo-ruptures could be evidenced, on this previously unknown active fault.


Scientific sessions


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Session Earthquakes Geology and General Contributions

Convenors:  Yann Klinger, Francesca Cinti, Gayatri Marliyani, Klaus Reicherter, Rob Langridge

Large continental earthquakes remain unfrequent. Hence, the available database to improve our understanding of the earthquake cycle is growing very slowly, hampering rapid progress. Thus, in addition to studies of modern earthquakes, paleoseismology offers a way to increase more rapidly our knowledge about seismicity along continental faults, to improve our grasp of the earthquake processes. In this session we are welcoming any contributions dealing with recent and/or past earthquakes, using any kind of technics, that would bring forward our understanding of the earthquake cycle and fault mechanics.    

Session Earthquakes of plate interiors 

Convenors:  Laurent Bollinger, Tamarah King, Christoph Gruetzner, Jin Choi

Active faults that affect continental interiors often remain challenging to characterize. Their present day slow-slipping kinematics and tectonic loading rates are difficult to estimate with geodesy. The very long periods of erosion or sedimentation that separate two surface rupturing earthquakes usually prevent the building of obvious cumulative scarps. In many cases, only one or two paleoearthquakes, mostly in pre-historical periods, records are identified along the fault, making it difficult to examine their behaviour over multiple seismic cycles. In this session, we invite contributions on the identification and characterization of slow slipping faults and paleo-earthquakes in plate interiors. This may include paleoseismology, advances in (space) geodesy, geomorphology, or other techniques.


Session Archeoseismology and historical earthquakes

Convenors:  Laurence Audin, Beverly Goodman,  Stacey Martin, Richard Walker

Investigations of historical seismicity and archaeoseismicity data contribute significantly to the characterisation of past earthquake impacts. These studies also contribute to the more accurante assessments of future seismic hazards, especially in plate interior regions where the recurrence of extreme events is low (>1000 years). For the pre- and early-instrumental period, new avenues of multidisciplinary research, including modelling, are required that tap a wide range of expertise. This expertise is diverse and includes the fields of archaeology, architecture, engineering, history, and seismology. This approach can enrich and improve earthquake catalogues when done carefully. In our proposed session, we seek to highlight and discuss these topics and their most recent developments worldwide, with a particular focus on European case studies. 

Session Advances and Challenges in Dating

Convenors:  Anne-Sophie Mériaux, Paula Figueiredo, Vincent Godard, Lucilla Benedetti, Pierre-Henri Blard

Understanding the deformation of the Earth’s crust relies on quantifying the rates at which surfaces processes occur. Thus, the application of geochronological techniques such as in-situ cosmogenic nuclides (3He, 10Be, 14C, 21Ne, 26Al, 36Cl, …), thermochronology, radiocarbon, luminescence, electron spin resonance (ESR), and tephrochronology is critical. We propose a session to share and discuss the benefits and challenges of dating, and their applications to earthquake geology and active tectonics. Studies combining dating techniques and crossing over timescales from the seismic cycle to the mountain building are especially welcome to our session.


Session Advances in earthquake geology techniques (inland and offshore)

Convenors: Frédérique Leclerc, Petra Štepančikova, Hector Perea, Riccardo Vassallo

During the last decade(s), earthquake geology, including tectonic geomorphology, environmental effects’ survey after earthquakes, and stratigraphic paleoseismology took advantages of the development of remote sensing techniques (InSAR, optical correlation, LiDAR) and artificial intelligence, as well as 3D excavation approach, sedimentological and soil sciences advancements, prospection of offshore active faults. Because, these progresses is paramount to further steps in tectonics models and seismic hazard analyses, we convene a session to them.

Session Contributions to seismic hazard analysis

Convenors: Oona Scotti, Maria Ortuno, Chris Vanneste, Paolo Boncio, Beau Whitney

The study of active faults and deformation of the Earth's surface has made, and continues to make, significant contributions to our understanding of earthquakes. Nevertheless, incorporating fault data (e.g., paleoseismological information) into seismic hazard assessments for modelling active or potentially active fault sources remains challenging, both from the data perspective ( data availability, traceability and associated uncertainties) and the perspective of SHA fault modelers (statistical versus physical approaches, potential for multi- fault ruptures, etc.). In this session we aim at bringing together earthquake geologists, geodesists, seismologists, geophysicists, archeoseismologists and physics-based modelers in order to cover the range of approaches (and semantics) used today to help constrain fault behavior, estimate rupture characteristics of past earthquakes, slip-rate estimates, earthquake occurrence model as well as the potential for earthquake surface rupture and the associated fault displacement hazard.


01 to 03/10 - Extra Field Trip “Internal Alps tectonics and gravitational controls”

Field leaders: Christian Sue, Hervé Jomard, Riccardo Vassallo, Christophe Larroque

We propose a 3-days field trip in the Southern Alps, one of the most seismically active zone of the belt, and the locus of recurrent seismic crisis, in the surroundings of the Ubaye valley. We will focus on the active Serenne-Bersezio fault system and its expression on the field, and will adress the relative role of tectonics vs. gravitational processes at different scales, combining active extension and strike-slip. The field trip will happen in rugged and high elevation terrain.


EDITH Project

Description of the Hands-on workshop on Artificial Intelligence in Geosciences, organized by the INQUA EDITH project team

 “Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Artificial Intelligence* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)) – a hands-on workshop on AI in Earthquake Geology” by Dr. Anika Braun.

In this short course, you will learn some basics of Artificial Intelligence for earth science applications, so you know where to start if you want to implement this technique for your own project. In a simple hands-on example, we will see how you can critically explore your input data and prepare it for modelling. We will train some models, and then explore tools to evaluate the modelling outcomes. You will also be sensitized for the most important pit-falls and sources of uncertainty.

Participants need a computer (Windows or Mac) with an up-to-date operation system and some free disc space. No programming skills required, but some basic understanding of statistics would be good.

Up to 20 participants. To attend this session, please register by writing an email to Franz Livio: 


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